How to create android app in Zarma languageMataakan Nii gate ga application tee


Google Play is where 99% of users are going to find their Android apps.
· If you want your app be visited by the highest number of people possible is essential you publish your app in Google Play.
· Publish your app on Google Play doesn't guarantee any minimum number of visitors but give you the opportunity to obtain a high number of visits depending on factors like the interest generated by the app, the quality of it, competition within the same theme, etc.
· Another important advantage of publish your app in Google Play is that the security alert that appears on most devices when you try to install an app outside of Google Play will disappear.
· To publish your app in Google Play you'll need a developer account. Despite the name of the account you don't need any programming knowledge to create the account. However, creating a developer account has a cost of $25 that Google charges (not us). The good news is that this payment is for life and you can publish as many apps as you want. You can create your account here:
· In order that your app appear in the top positions of Google Play is necessary to have good users reviews. To obtain user reviews we recommend that, once your app is published in Google Play, activate the message to rate the app from "General info" > "Rate app".
· Very important: Google Play is very strict about content restrictions that apps must comply. If your app doesn't complies them, you can be sure that your app will be removed in a few days and, if you repeat breach, your whole Google Play account will also be removed without the possibility to recover it. Here you can check Google Play policies: 
· Very important too: A requirement that Google Play set to publish your app is that the app can't be modified itself. This means that if you make any major change in the app from your AppCreator24 control panel, you must regenerate the app as soon as possible and update it on Google Play.
· To regenerate the app is only necessary to go to "General Information" > "Name and Icon" and click Save button without making any changes. After regenerating the app you have to download the app to your computer and update it in Google Play.
· Other thing to take into account is that, if your app contains a Chat or Users finder section, it must contain a notice to indicate that isn't allowed to publish pictures with adult content. You can include this advise in the app launch message. 

· Google Play requires to enter a privacy policy in your Google Play developer console. You can get and set the app privacy policy from "General info" > "General".
· Finally let you know that one of the questions Google asks to publish an app in Google Play is if the app contains ads. Is important to answer "Yes" even if you don't show ads because app can show ads depending on activated.

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