How to Start Earning Money Online-PART ONE


Assalamu Alaikum, dear friends, good bye for this time. Goodbye and see you again today in our new lesson on how a person can start a business to earn money.the way to use the internet, or how to start making money online by using our cell phones or our computers from home, and from bed I know many of our people want to talk like this and others are going around asking us questions about it, so God willing, we will meet today with all your answers.Just as it is known that Social Media is a platform that contains different people from all parts of the world, but now the time has made social media to be the ways getting a job, self-reliance and education, as long as a person will be persistent and give effort to the matter, and it is not difficult as long as a person will give his time to stop and do the real thing.

Some of the best and most effective ways to make money on the internet online or social media are the ones I will explain now so that you know how to do it.You can use them to start making money online, that is, the internet, and some of them you will use by using your social media.earn money online, so here are some of the ways I will explain:-

(1) Affiliate Marketing; What is meant by affiliate marketing is sales on social media, meaning when a company is selling products or services for example like online stores or any company online that sells other services or goods, you can become their affiliate marketer if you make a deal agreement with them, you will call them or bring them customers and they will pay you, this is called affiliate marketing, there are many companies that allow you to become their affiliate marketer 

(2) Social Media/Handle Manager; You can become a social media manager by managing the page of a company or a celebrity or a politician by managing their page and doing running ads for them even if they don't have time, you will agree with them that they pay you, this method is used a lot especially for people who don't have time to do social media such as ball players, politicians, celebrities, companies, etc.

(3) Influencing/Public figure; This is also an easy way to use the number of your followers on social media handles, where businesses or others give you You advertise their products and you advertise them on your social media page like this.their pages are paid, this is also a way of self-reliance in social media. 

(4) Blogging/Youtubing; Almost everyone knows that Google will pay you a lot of money by placing ads on your website and YouTube channels.if you open it and upload videos or tutorials or films etc., if it is a website and by posting articles and others, google will check them and give you adsense and pay you money in dollars.

These are some of the ways to make money on social media, they are not the only ones as you can see we wrote in the beginning that this is the first lesson (1), Which in short we mean to bring you ways to make money online in detail whenever we have time this is the lesson even before we start on that. there are many ways,

These are just a few of them that I think and you can choose the one that you think you can to try May God help us all, I hope everyone understands and we will benefit from some of these ways.

Thank you and see you in the next lesson, Son of God, don't forget to share all the lessons read on this blessed website so that the members of the family can come to the temple and also benefit, let's benefit all of us.