How to Start Making Money on the Internet Lesson Two (2)

 Welcome to the second lesson 2

Assalamu Alaikum warahamatullahi taala wabarakatuhu brothers and sisters, welcome to this time, we are happy to be with you again today in the lesson of learning to earn money on the Internet, lesson two (2), who previously taught the first lesson, who has not read the first lesson, is here to read the first lesson.

So as we promised to bring the second lesson (2) I hope everyone is worried now to listen to some important things that will help a person to get money on the internet so that I can rely on him, some of them are very hard on him. 

In our first lesson we brought many things that are used to earn money on the internet. I hope people benefit from these methods and start using some of them.

today we will bring some suggestions that will help a person to further develop his business or business internet, so that he can strengthen his heart and be more persistent on his business that he has made in the future.

We were filled with noise last year and we went to the source of the information to bring us, although today our writing will be long and we will have to be patient to read it

That is, online business as we know has different meanings so some people are reluctant to use it to expand their physical business or start a new one. But the truth is that it is very simple. As long as you endure the challenges that you may face or any hardship that you may suffer, God willing, you will be profitable in Finally, because it is said that the one who is patient is the one who will cook a stone until he lives his rum.

Online business or the internet depends on the type of business that suits you best, everyone has their own business Internet, everyone who thinks that it is suitable for him, he thinks that he understands what he takes.

So let's share some of the ways after the ones we brought in the first lesson that are used to earn money on the internet, you can also use some of them to find your change.

(1). Business of buying and selling - where a person buys goods and sells them to make a profit

This type of business is more common, because it is seen how people advertise their products in the media and other places on the internet.

In fact, this type of business is very profitable, that is, it is easier to start a business, because it does not need to spend a lot of money.

Let's talk about the business of buying and selling on the Internet and how to bring them to the next lesson, God willing.

(2). The work of labor

I know that a person will be surprised when he hears about labor work, he will ask..??, then how can a person do labor work on the internet, and some people do not know what is called labor let alone on the Internet, now we will all explain to him what is meant by labor in the real world and on the Internet.

Labor is a job that you have to do and get paid for, since things are being modernized, for example, how do you actually do labor and go to work and get paid at the same time as you go and do delivery and get paid at the same time, then it This is the same type of work, but online work is different from physical work, we will explain how it is and how to use it in the next lesson. 

(3). The catch business

This is a person who advertises other people's goods to get something. 

For example, I will ask you to find customers to buy my products, and whoever buys, I will give you a percentage of it.

You see, this does not necessarily happen in real life, 

Last year I gave an example of how it is in reality as well

you will see the NURTW worker, that is the workers who take care of the cars at the station, you will see the NURTW worker, he will go and find the car owner to get in his car and give the worker something.

This is called the Internet, apparently, it is almost the same, but there is a little difference from the Internet, because it is the Internet, you are lying in a room, but you get more than you think, we will also bring you ways to start a business on the Internet in the next lesson. 

Alhamdulillah, we will stop here because our writing should not be too long, God willing, in the next lesson, we will share how to manage each business among them. 

We hope you benefit from the things we bring to you 

God, don't hesitate to share our writings so that members of the family can come and read and benefit too.

Thank you and see you in the third lesson.